created at 2021-05-11
Using AES, we can handle only 128 bit of pain text.
Pain Text -> PT
Cypher Text -> CT
Cypher Key -> CK
ECB(Electronic Code Block)
PT1 PT2 … PTn with same CK
CBC(Cipher Block Chaining)
add IV(Initialization Vector) and loop
- [PT1] XOR IV
- (1) encrypt with CK
- [PT2] XOR (2)
- (3) encrypt with CK
Do it until PTn
CFB(Cipher FeedBack)
OFB(Output FeedBack)
Galois Counter Mode
produce Tag(MAC) and CT
with AEAD(Authentication Encryption with Associated Data)
GCM plus steps in intitial GMAC XOR with associated Data(Protoco version, Port, Seq, Address, etc)